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I Bombed Korea lyrics

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song lyrics
I Bombed Korea lyrics
I bombed Korea every night.
My engine sang into the salty sky.
I didn t know if I would live or die.
I bombed Korea every night.

I bombed Korea every night.
I bombed Korea every night.
Red flowers bursting down below us.
Those people didn t even know us.
We didn t know if we would live or die.
We didn t know if it was wrong or right.
I bombed Korea every night.

And so I sit here at this bar.
I m not a hero.
I m not a movie star.
I ve got my beer.
I ve got my stories to tell,
But they won t tell you what it s like in hell.

Red flowers bursting down below us.
Those people didn t even know us.
We didn t know if we would live or die.
We didn t know if it was wrong or right.
We didn t know if we would live or die.
I bombed Korea every night.
song lyrics

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