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Everything lyrics

What is it about you that drives me crazy
What is it about you that drives me wild
What is it that get my heart a racin
Well I ve been thinkin about it
And I ve finally put my finger on it

It s everything you do like what you do
When you re with me
It s everything you say and how you say it baby
Your kiss, your touch, the way that you love
Guess what I m tryin to say
It s everything

What is it about you that makes me giddy
What is it about you that makes me weak
What is it that makes me feel so damn silly
Make a list, well girl I ve tried it
But there ain t no way to quantify it

It s everything you do like what you do when
You re with me
It s everything you say and how you say it baby
Your body, your mind, the child that s inside
Guess what I m tryin to say
It s everything
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