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I ll Think I

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I ll Think I ll Disappear Now lyrics
Running into you like this without warning
Is like catching a sniff of tequila in the morning
But I ll try, I ll try to keep my food down
That s quite an after-taste that you ve left now that you re not around

You can just pretend we re not in the same room
Well, alright, I ll just mosey to the bathroom
You flew by like a summer vacation
And you left me with TV-movies and a messy kitchen

I think I ll disappear now, slip out sideways
Just for awhile - but until then I ll stay in and sleep late, excuse me

I ll buy a fast car, I ll drive fast from here
There s a beach I haven t seen since last year -
It s far, but I like night drives;
It just makes it nicer when I do arrive

Aren t you going to miss me?
Aren t you going to even say one thing to me anymore?

Well, you can bet that I ll forget how it was then:
All the drives to your farm for the weekend ...
But I ve seen the swimsuit magazines
And I ve smelled tequila the first thing in the morning
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