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The Psychic lyrics

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song lyrics
The Psychic lyrics
She knows the future like the palm in your hand
She knows your past like the lay of the land
The first time she met me she saw right through me
Some cards and a cane in her hand - and she said:

All the years that have come to pass
And all the years that shall be
I see here right before me

She said her visions were a bane in her life
She could not control them, they kept her up nights
I know what you re thinking, I haven t been drinking
She knew things that cut like a knife - and she said:

All the years that have come to pass
And all the years that shall be
I see here right before me

Will there be earthquakes and great tidal waves?
Can she see back to the dinosaur days?
How can she foresee just by squinting at me and
Can she see me naked in her mind s eye?

What does she think when she foretells a disease?
Would she keep it a secret if death stood before me?
What could some cards hold, where is her foothold
Can I escape what she sees? And she said:

All the years that have come to pass
And all the years that shall be
I see here right before me
I see here before me
song lyrics

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