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There Are Many Dangers lyrics

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song lyrics
There Are Many Dangers lyrics
If your toast gets stuck in the toaster
Do not put a fork in the toaster while it is hooked up, or look out
I did and I got caught in the current
Pulled me in and shook me while it held me tight

There are many dangers
They could be in a toaster or a common thing
You must keep a lookout
Remember all the rules they have for everything

When it s very, very cold out
Do not put your tongue on cold metal things
For example, stop signs
I did and they had to pull some skin off
And then they had to fill my mouth with cotton at night

There are many dangers
They could be in a toaster or a common thing
You must keep a lookout
Remember all the rules they have for everything

When they d taken out my tonsils
I brought them home
Kept them in a jar on the shelving in my room
Between the toaster, stop sign, and my tonsils
I ve got lots of things to think about at night

There are many dangers
Could be in a toaster or a common thing
You must keep a lookout
Remember all the rules they have for everything
song lyrics

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