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Nothing To Say lyrics

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Nothing To Say lyrics
Days can be lonely
Night lets you down
Wonder and wander
There s no one around
Nothing to say now, nothing to do
I can feel my heart breaking
And it s all cause of you

Nothing to say now, nowhere to hide
I can feel my heart breaking
All the love left inside

Each time I ve called you,
You said we were through
All that I wanted is to be with you
There s nothing to show now, nowhere to go
Nothing to tell you,
You don t love me no more
Nothing to say now, nowhere to hide
I can feel my heart breaking
All the love left inside

But if in your heart, you could love me too
Let me come back home
I can change for you
If you ever find, that you miss me too
If you want me back
I ll be there for you
Days can be lonely
Days can be lonely

Daytime is lonely
Night gets me blue
Nothing to say now, nothing to do
Nothing to say now, nothing to show
I can tell you don t love me, you don t want me no more
Nothing to say now, nothing to do
Oh, my heart it was breaking
I ve been praying for you
So if in your heart, you can find a way
Just to take me back, let me try again
Oh, if in your heart, you could say it s true
Let me come back home, I ll be there for you
Days can be lonely
Days can be lonely
Days can be lonely
Days can be lonely
song lyrics

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