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Tra Bo Dau lyrics

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song lyrics
Tra Bo Dau (While Two Hearts) lyrics

The one I love is far away
Across the sea, over sea.
And I am longing for the day
When he comes back to me.

His smile is lovelier than the dawn.
With all its beauty right.
What patient love may solve alone
his joy beyond compare.

Rich years are fading and constant
beauty will wither and wane.
With love so pure, will I endure
while our two hearts remain.

Enough for love of him I pine.
How sad it was to part.
Where e re he walks its ground divine.
to my poor aching heart.

For every day my choice I bless.
My love I ll never rue.
His gentle voice, his sweet caress.
Is constant fair and true.

Rich years are fading and constant
beauty will wither and wane.
With love so pure, will I endure
while our two hearts remain.
song lyrics

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