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Guitar Street lyrics

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song lyrics
Guitar Street lyrics

There s a crazy sense of duty
As he licks between his fingers
And wipes the ketchup from his face and hands
There s a strong determination
That his teachers never witnessed
Never close enough to understand
He s like a bull
Just bred for fighting
And he don t deliver nothing
Outside the only thing he knows
School-report just says he s lazy
His brother thinks he s crazy
But anyway, take a look
Cos there he goes...
All through the avenues of fashion
To the palaces of dreams
All the way down Guitar Street
To some, guitars are hot-rods
All along the quest for macho
To others a would-be ticket out of town
For Joe; a six-string sten gun
In the "panto-revolution"
And Stevies all just strictly sound,
And he s just a bull that s bred for fighting
Just bred for fighting
And he don t deliver nothing
Outside the only thing he knows
School-report just says he s lazy
His brother thinks he s crazy
But anyway, take a look
Cos there he goes...
All through the avenues of fashion
To the palaces of dreams
All the way down Guitar Street
song lyrics

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