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Reasons lyrics

Set my sails out on a sunny day
Pretty soon I was on my way
Though what for sure it was
I could not say
Two thousand reasons
Maybe more
Eight hundred chances
On Faraway shores
Searching for something, searching

for more
Deep inside me burning
Reasons for the learning
Now you can pick up reasons
So easily
Where you ve been, and where you ve

got to be
And when the truth don t show,

you ll always see
Lots of reasons
And pretty soon you ve got a heavy

dragging those reasons down an

endless road
I got to thinking and I got to see
So many reasons, coming at me
The one that leaves you high and

He says you still owe him, there s

a reason why
He ll leave you crying, till the

tears run dry
He s the one, always the one, with

all the reasons
So many reasons, they come and they

The reasons for them, I ll never

I ve seen so many, they ve come and

they ve gone
I ve turned all mine in, and I m

happy with one
So don t talk o friendship, do it

to me!
Make me an offer, and make it for

Don t give me reasons, because I

wrote that song
I only want love now, so I ll just

take the one
song lyrics

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