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Tell Me Why lyrics

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Tell Me Why lyrics

I could see her fall from grace
Like a movie star to old to change her life
With a bottle by her head
Every night she went away
I would pray for someone else to change her life
If she wouldnt change for me

Tell me why. please tell me why. you stole my life

Tired of hearing the same old song
Everytime you came back frozen deep inside
Was it my love that you feared
I was a misfit all the way
Never there to help me grow and change my life
Then you smiled and walked away

All the lil things she said to me
Were broken thoughts and tainted dreams
If she cant take these memories
It doesnt change a thing
Every lil word she said to me
That broke my heart and stayed with me
I wish that she could hear me scream
She never changed a thing

This cant go on!
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