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Going Out Tonight lyrics

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song lyrics
Going Out Tonight lyrics

kung fu tongue spar without a solution
the vintage sign made which ends in confusion
Robert Plant kicking from the Japanese hearses
goes, "baby baby"
in trebly verses
she said no
let me try to climb up the bean
cause I m gonna meet the giant
there s nobody
killing my sunshine
la la la la la
I m going out tonight
doing wrong
two returns a right
la la la la la
I m going out tonight
bloodshot eyes on the freaky caucasion
his headlights are shining in the air conditioning
over 25 in the ass-less hotpants
light a king hummer on the kryptonite lance (flashdance)
she says no
let me try to climb the bean
cause I m gonna meet the giant
there s nobody killing my sunshine
la la la la la
I m going out tonight
doing wrong
two returns a right
la la la la la
I m going out tonight
break down baby
there s nobody
killing my sunshine
la la la la la
I m going out tonight
doing wrong
two returns a right
la la la la la
I m going out tonight
there s nobody
killing my sunshine
la la la la la
song lyrics

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