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Blue Eyed Saviour lyrics

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song lyrics
Blue Eyed Saviour lyrics

Where d you go my blue eyed saviour
Where d you go my darling one
Lying on that field of honour
Not sure what you re waiting on
And she won t let him through the door
Her mind is ticking through those tumbling years
The one s he promised he d be there for
She says, "hope: the belief that loved ones will never die"
I ve never heard such nonsense
I ve never heard such lies

What to do with our sputtering engine
What to do with our fading star
Leaving us to wander freely
Trying to find out where we are
And I can t bear to see him go
There is just too much left on the table
There has been too much left alone
She says, "hope: the belief that loved ones will never die"
I ve never heard such nonsense
I ve never heard such lies

Listen to my wide eyed bundle
Listen to them assail the night
Lost again in their caves of wonder
Leaving us alone outside
And I can barely stand the simple pleasure
Each breath carrying just a little more weight
As I bend to adjust the comforter
I think, "hope: the belief that loved ones will never die"
I ve never heard such nonsense
I ve never heard such lies
song lyrics

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