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song lyrics
Mysterion lyrics

The needle s gone real deep, I m on the road to Hell
Brains decay but the engine s still roaring!
A poisonous shot in the deep of the crimson tides
Yeah, I m high but Christ is not... no!
Bound to cross my veins became religion, a void that bled
The maladjusted, the scum of the earth
But preacher, its payback time, keep on spreading your lies
You re only food for the bitter harvest

The snake fights fools...
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
Come on, let s kill this parasite
So does the bastard live in me still?

I walked unto the altar and I saw the fear
Won t you take my hand God? I m your son
Feel the addiction I have returned to shoot me free
And fuck you hard because you always want more

All hail the Nazarene... rotten to the core!

Attack paradise
And rape angel white
To be mastermind
Just cut all gods tongues
A tight grip on me
Ha ha! I burn in Hell
No one makes me slave
God remains insane

Burden of no taste
Life s reality
If I had a choice
I would cease to be
But can death destroy
The Hero of Hate?
Reborn addicted
Let my blood go free!

Slavestate birth!
The unstoppable forces in everywhere
For heaven lives only in your head

Worship fools!
The storm of sin you can t resist
But there s no sense in beliefs, burial stimulates defeat

Weak fate... Go down!
The mystery man lurks in the dead man s heart
In league while the Dog and Hell awaits the injured soul

Jesus loves you!
song lyrics

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