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Summer Sunshine lyrics

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song lyrics
Summer Sunshine lyrics

I feel it s changing, I stay the same
I m... a solo cello outside a chor-us
I ve got a secret,
It s time for me to tell that you ve been keeping me warm

Just sweet beginnings and bitter en-dings
In coffee city, we borrowed hea-ven
Don t give it back, I ve never felt so wanted
Are you taking me home?

You tell me you have to go...

In the heat of summer sunshine
I miss you like nobody else
In the heat of summer sunshine
I kiss you, and nobody needs to know

Now that you ve left me, there s no retur-ning
I keep comparing, you re always win-ning
I try to be strong but you ll never be more wanted
Will you make me at home?

Don t tell me you have to go...

In the heat of summer sunshine
I miss you like nobody else
In the heat of summer sunshine
I kiss you, and nobody needs to know

Ya da... ya da... ya da

To sweet beginnings and bitter en-dings
In coffee city, we borrowed hea-ven
Don t give it back
Winter is coming and I need to stay warm

The heat.....

In the heat of summer sunshine
I miss you like nobody else
In the heat of summer sunshine
I kiss you, and nobody knows

In the heat of summer sunshine
I miss you like nobody else
In the heat of summer sunshine
I kiss you, and nobody needs to know
song lyrics

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