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Baby You Wouldn t

Baby You Wouldn t mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Baby You Wouldn t Last A Minute On The Creek lyrics

Let s just stop,
drop everything,
(forget each other s names) forget each other s names,
And just walk away.

Turn around and head in different directions,
Like we never, it s like we never knew each other at all.
We said what we feel, then we stop ourselves,
And just walk away.
Never looking back,
Loving every second of it,
we just walk away.

This is probably the best,
not to mention the worst idea,
that I have ever had.

Ignoring what we ve felt,
Overlooking what we ve done,
No awkward silences, no hiding any truths
Ignoring what we ve felt,
Overlooking what we ve done,
What do you say?

This is probably the best,
not to mention the worst idea,
that I have ever had.

We say what we feel,
Then we stop ourselves,
And just walk away.
Never looking back,
Loving every second of it,
We just walk away.

Let s just stop,
Drop everything,
Forget each other s names,
Can we please just walk away?
It could be...It could be...
Like we never knew each other at all.

Answer me!
All egos aside, what do you say?
All egos aside, what do you say?

Ignoring what we ve felt,
Overlooking what we ve done,
No awkward silences, no hiding any truths
Ignoring what we ve felt,
Overlooking what we ve done,
What do you say?

We say what we feel,
Then we stop ourselves,
And just walk away.
Never looking back,
Loving every second of it,
We just walk away.
song lyrics

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