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There s No Penguins

There s No Penguins mp3 songs

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song lyrics
There s No Penguins In Alaska lyrics

She loves me, she loves me not.
My love was my decay.
She loves me, she loves me not.
He repeated to himself over and over.
These petals decide what s next for you and I...

Never resting time, leads summer on, leads summer on.
Never resting time, leads summer on, leads summer...on.

The worst was...the worst was this:

My love was (my decay) my love was...
My love was (my decay) my love was...

Finding oneself in such murderous shame,
Playing roulette with a flower,
Mislead devotion into seclusion.

Devotion... devotion...

Scream loud as you want to.
Scream loud as you want to.
There s no way that they can hear you.
There s no way that they can hear you.

Never resting time, leads summer on, leads summer on.
Never resting time, leads summer on, leads summer...
Never resting time, leads summer on, leads summer on.
Never resting time, leads summer on, leads summer...on.

I ll stop...
When you stop...
song lyrics

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