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Heartland lyrics

Heartland lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Heartland lyrics

Out of the mists of Time it comes
Older than the oldest lime it comes
Coursing through our veins it comes
Pulsing in our brains it comes
The pure, unbridled sound of drums

When the winds are howling
Vigil keep
Shelter us and save us
From the deep

(Gaelic chorus)
A thirna dean troicara
A christ dean troicara
A thirna dean troicara
A christ dean troicara

When the storm is raging
And thunder rolls
Deliver us from the ocean
Save our souls

(Gaelic chorus)
A thirna dean troicara
A christ dean troicara
A thirna dean troicara
A christ dean troicara

Thank you, Lord, you have brought us
Safe to shore
Be our strength and protection
Ever more

(Gaelic chorus)
A thirna dean troicara
A christ dean troicara
A thirna dean troicara
A christ dean troicara

(Gaelic bridge)
Dean troicara
Dean troicara
A tirna

A thirna dean troicara
A christ dean troicara
A thirna dean troicara
A christ dean troicara

A thirna dean troicara
A christ dean troicara
A thirna dean troicara
A christ dean troicara
song lyrics

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