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Condemned To Agony lyrics

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song lyrics
Condemned To Agony lyrics

Butchering the helpless
Was his way of life
Uncontrolled rage
Internal strife

The pain he dealt out was never repaid
Retribution was sought by the ones he had slain

Infernal phantasm
Condemned to agony
No escape after death
Condemned to agony

Heads of his victims
Have returned to haunt
Dripping with blood
Rotted and gaunt

The pain is reflected to him after death
With the victis of his knife, he is now beset

Reliving every crime
Condemned to agony
No escape from their hate
Condemned to agony, agony

He thought he got away
His crimes unpunished he took them to the grave
Their tortured souls are waiting

Now they make him pay
Exact their revenge using methods that he used
To make him understand them

To chop him up
Is their revege
With no remorse
They slash him, disfigure

Undying hate
His torment endless
He s torn apart and they cut the pieces smaller

The knife he used to maim
Is turned against him and now they will do the same
Dissect the man of evil

His fingers are cut off
And forced into his mouth so that he cannot scream
And in pain they revel

To chop him up
Is their revege
With no remorse
They slash him, disfigure

Their creation
The man who killed them is now scattered
In the abyss

Infernal phantasm
Condemned to agony
No escape after death
Condemned to agony
song lyrics

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