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I Once Loved lyrics

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I Once Loved lyrics

I once loved a lass
I loved her sae weel
I hated all others who spoke of her ill
But now she s rewarded me well for my love
For she s gone to be wed to another

I saw my love to the church go
With bridesgroom and bridesmaidens they made a fine show
And I followed on with my heart full of woe
She was gone to be wed to another

I saw my love sit down to dine
As I sat down beside her I poured out the wine
I drank to the lassie that should have been mine
Even though she d been wed to another

The men o the forest
They ask it o me
How many strawberries grow in the south sea?
I answer them a with a tear in my ee
How many ships sail in the forest

Dig me a grave
Dig it sae deep
And cover me over wi flo ers sae sweet
And I will lay down and tak a long sleep
And maybe in time I ll forget her
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