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White Punks On Hope lyrics

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song lyrics
White Punks On Hope lyrics

They said that we were trash
Well the name is Crass not Clash
They can stuff their punk credentials
Cause it s them that take the cash
They won t change nothing with their fashionable talk
Their RAR badges and their protest walk
Thousands of white men standing in a park
Objecting to racism like a candle in the dark
Black man s got his problems and his way to deal with it
So don t fool yourself you re helping with your white liberal shit
If you care to take a closer look at the way things really stand
You d see we re all just niggers to the rulers of this land
Punk was once an answer to years of crap
A way of saying no where we d always said yep
But the moment we found a way to be free
They invented a dividing line, street credibility
The qualifying factors are politics and class
Left wing macho street fighters willing to kick arse
They said because of racism they d come out on the street
It was just a form of fascism for the socialist elite
Bigotry and blindness, a Marxist con
Another clever trick to keep us all in line
Neat little labels to keep us all apart
To keep us all divided when the troubles start
Pogo on a Nazi, Spit upon a Jew
Vicious mindless violence that offers nothing new
Left Wing violence, Right Wing violence all seems much the same
Bully boys out fighting, it s just the same old game
Boring fucking politics that ll get us all shot
Left wing, right wing, you can stuff the lot
Keep your petty prejudice, I don t see the point
song lyrics

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