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Moving In Circles lyrics

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song lyrics
Moving In Circles lyrics

Talking; one way is an interrogation, Make it two ways,
You ve got a conversation But three ways makes for a
Controntahon Ain t that rich? Because the odd number
Makes for separation And separation leads to
Fragmentation And before too long you re back to the
First situation, Ain t that a bitch? It s spinning me round
And round It s like losing your way in a crowd, Losing
Your way . . . losing your way.
I feel we re moving in circles,
Ot which we have no undersv nding.
Weaving spirals but leaving no trace.
I can t get used to the strange eerie feeling
Ot moving in circles
I can t wipe the smile off my face.
Changing; one way is by revolution
When it seems the only to way to change the constitution
It takes too long for natural evolution
Ain t that rich?
(Before too long there s retribution, it s all part of the institution).
But it seems like a case of plain substitution,
When self-delusion leads to persecution
And before too long you re back to the first solution
Ain t that a bitch?
It s spinning me round and round
It s like losing your way in a crowd
Losing your way . . . losing your way.
I feel we re moving in circles
Ot which we have no understanding

Weaving spirals but leaving no trace.
I can t get used to the strange eerie feeling
Of moving in circles.
I can t wipe the smile off my face.
song lyrics

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