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Walk Away lyrics

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song lyrics
Walk Away lyrics
Youve been tangled up and tied to that old ball and chain.
Dragging your past around, tortured by the pain.
You ve been living in bondage to those old memories.
But calvary has paid your debt and grace holds the key

You ve got to let it go and leave it at the cross.
You ve got to lay it down,turn your back to it all.
Your freedom tomorrow is accomished today.
But you ve got to let it go, put it down,and just walk away.

(Verse 2)
You know that sin is a prison that locks you away.
It takes all your freedom with a price you can t pay.
But your pardon was granted if you ll only beleive.
The friend of sinners bore your shame,
so you could go free.

Walk away dont you ever look back,
Get free from that ole tie that binds.

(2nd chorus)

You ve got to let it go and leave it at the cross.
You ve got to lay it down,turn your back to it all.
Your freedom tomorrow is accomished today.
But you ve got to let it go, put it down,and just walk away.
song lyrics

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