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Before The Lash lyrics

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Before The Lash lyrics

In Hell s corrupt and sunken halls the rising shall begin,
The bane of man immortal - the parade of broken dead.
With greed our worldly master, so now pain will be our guide,
As the fallen ones await us all to welter by their side.

Iron dreams of human jackals and our final fate is cast -
To slave in endless fire as you cringe before the lash.
Blinded by the darkness, as you pray for his return.
But in your soul you fear he s just another one who ll burn.

With greed our worldly master, now pain will be our guide,
As the fallen ones await us all to welter by their side.
Iron dreams of human jackals - our final fate is cast,
To slave in endless fire, as you cringe before the lash.

Does evil lie in waiting to extract his heavy toll.
Will bowing to the pulpit bring the cloven to their goal,
But if he s the work of mankind, and the beast our morbid dream,
This dying planet is our heaven, and our hell remains the same.
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