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Maybe Thats Why lyrics

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Maybe That s Why lyrics

I don t know how you really feel.
I just know you ve been hurt.
Wish I could say what I really feel,
But I know you need more than words.
To say everything I wanted to say,
I d have to write a book.
But you can say so much more
With just a single look.


Maybe that s why, maybe that s why,
I love you....

Close my eyes and 1 see your face,
My heart starts beating your name.
Look in your eyes and I melt away,
I know I ll never be the same.



Now here s the moral of the story,
I know it s easier said than done.
Believe in your dreams, believe in yourself,
No matter, no matter what comes.
You ve got the power, you ve got the strength,
I know you re gonna pull through.
And just in case it matters,
Remember that I believe in you.


This arduous task was performed
MetalFormer with lots of dedication and love for Metal!
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