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Form Another Stone lyrics

...tied to the wind, she tries to whisper damage to my sense, but I resist
I am lashed to the Earth, I hear the sounds of her footsteps going around,
She swells and recedes
Grasping the summer soon she thinks she s holding on when she s not
Hear the sounds of the sun s set going down, it dies with a whisper
And I cry into the sea but the echoes of my tears follow me, fall down in to winter
I look for my strength on the inside, I know it s there, but to find it
Takes it out, it knocks me down, I cry for a whisper
I am tied to sun burns my back and the heat seeps my bones, I cry to harden
From another stone to melt away, this one might take years (but that s alright)
Until I turn around to hear the sound of the horses thundering around in my head
I m wondering aloud...
Think another thought while the wheels turn around over me rubbing me into the
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