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Time Machine lyrics

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song lyrics
Time Machine lyrics

And i looked back upon my back
Through my book of memories
Thinking of all the things
That i used to do
How i missed it so

So secure in their arms, in their arms
No harm, no distractions, always laughin?
Oh i do love to see
One day, one time, a reunion of what was

I want a place to stay
Somewhere far away

If i could be away from me
Then i would be with you
If i see the way from way from me
I?ll play safe for me and you
If only, if only

Picture this, walking down this dark alleyway
There?s a sunset up ahead, silhouette of buildings
Enclosed in a maze

And as the hands of time, it ticks away
In a subtle but righteous way
I try to find more peace
I try to stand at ease
Cos we?re runnin?, runnin?, runnin?
In no direction

[repeat Refrain and Chorus]
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