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The Little Pink Bird lyrics

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song lyrics
The Little Pink Bird lyrics

There s a little pink bird,
who s lying on the street.
He was hit by a baseball,
and he bleeds (to death).

His stomach is lying next to him
And nothing is there where his legs had been.

And nobody noticed the little pink bird
Who is lying on the street.
And nobody noticed the little pink bird
Who bleeds to death.........the bird is death

Then a purpul car arrived
With a smilin man inside
he hits him with his tire
it seems like he ll lose the fight.


The little pink bird is gone,
he was bleeding to death.
But the holy smoke could make him alive,
but you don t want to smoke pot you have.


Up there in heaven he had bad luck again.
Tupac bakes him with chips and a bean.
song lyrics

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