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Misery Speaks lyrics

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song lyrics
Misery Speaks lyrics

Inside his mind
Into the demon world
From there he haunts their dreams
Look at his eyes - Look at his fear
Look at the tears that drip
And the bible that s burning now
The flames have searched and found
Look at your God - Pathetic and weak
Your father burns

I ve seen a thousand "crimes"
But this is one of the "worst"
The demon s laughing now
The world is his - The world is pain
Oh so great
It will possess our bodies
Oh yeah - Satan s smiling now
The world is his - The world is lost

Behind the dark
He stands to watch the weak
And his fate destroys their hope
Look at the cross - Look at the fall
Feel the burning hate - From the conscious red
Insanity! - cause of alarm?
Look at the end - Misery speaks
hell is loose

I ve seen a thousand "crimes"...

Seek and you will find - Messiah stabbed in the head
No one will ever miss him - They are all dead

And so you inject the black venom
Following the trail of future - Towards the bleeding face of Christ
And spit him goodbye

I ve seen a thousand "crimes"
But this is one of the "worst"
You are laughing now
The dream is gone - You are reborn
oh so dark
Burning your own church
Yeah - Satan s smiling now
Without me - I m nobody s prey
I am my own God.
song lyrics

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