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Black Cavalry lyrics

In the first of me downfall I put out the door,
And I straight made me way on for Carrick-on-Suir;
Going out by Rathronan twas late in the night
Going out the west gate for to view the gaslight
cho: Radley fal the diddle I
     Radley fal the riddle airo.
There I met with a youth and unto him I said
"Would you kindly direct me to where I ll get a bed?"
It was then he directed me down to Cook s Lane,
To where old Dick Darby kept an old sleeping cage
There I put up and down til I found out the door,
And I cried, "Must I then spend the night on the floor?"*
And the missus came out and these words to me said,
"If you give me three coppers I ll give you a bed."
She took me upstairs and she put out the light,
And in less than five minutes I had to show fight.
In less than five more, sure the story was worse,
For the fleas came about me and brought me a curse.
All round me body they formed an arch,
And all round me body they played the dead march.
The bloody old major gave me such a nip
That he nearly had taken the use of me hip.
Now I m going to me study, these lines to pen down,
And if any poor traveler should e er come to town,
If any poor traveler [be knighted] (benighted?) like me,
Oh, beware of Dick Darby and the black cavalry.
* line missing, faked by RG
From The Irish Songbook, Clancys
Recorded by Clancys
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