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Jennifer Gentle lyrics

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Jennifer Gentle lyrics

   There were three sisters, fair and bright,
   Jennifer gentle, fair Rosie Marie,
   Wanted to wed with a valiant Knight
   As the dew flies over the mulberry tree.
   The eldest sister took him in,
   Also bolted the silver pin.
   The second sister made his bed,
   Placed the pillow right under his head.
   But the youngest sister, fair and bright,
   Wanted to wed with the valiant knight.
   Well, if you will answer my questions three,
   Then, fair maid, I would marry thee.
   Oh, what is whiter than the milk?
   What is softer than the silk?
   Oh, snow is whiter than the silk;
   Down is softer than the silk.
   And what is sharper than the thorn?
   What is louder than the horn?
   Oh, hunger is sharper than the thorn,
   Thunder s louder than the horn.
   And what is broader than the way?
   What is deeper than the sea.
   Oh, love is broader than the way;
   hell is deeper than the sea.
   Well, now you ve answered my questions three;
   Now, fair maid, I would marry thee.
   Thisversion comes from Cornwall England.  It was first printed in
   Gilbert s Christmas Carols in 1893. From BTM FSI-96.
Recorded by Redpath - Lowlands, Clancys- Flowers in the Valley
Child #1
filename[ JNFRGNTL
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