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My Johnny Lad lyrics

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My Johnny Lad lyrics

I bought a wife in Edinburgh
For a bawbie;
And then I got a farthing back
To buy terbaccer wi
cho: And wi you, and wi you, and wi you, my Johnny lad,
     I ll dance the buckles off my shoes wi you my Johnny lad.
As I was walkin Sunday, twas there I saw the Queen,
A-playln at the football wi the lads on Glasgow green,
The captain o the other slde was scorin wi great style,
The queen, she called a policeman, and had him thrown in jail.
Samson was a mlghty man, and he fought wi the cuddy s jaw,
He fought a thousand battles wearlng crlmson flannel drawers.
Napoleon was an  emperor, and he ruled on land and sea,
He ruled all France and Germany, but he didn t rule Jock McGhee.
Now Johnny Is a bonny lad, he is a lad of mine,
I ve never had a better lad and I ve had twenty-nine.
Recorded by Clancys
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