song lyrics Common People lyrics
I see a blind man on the street He doesn t know what I look like So he can t judge the man I am Except by what he sees inside
I see a child on the street He doesn t know the mistakes I made I know he takes me where I am He sees a friend not a crusade
Lord help me live like this Lord help me love like this
We are a common people, each of us a fallen man Let s find that common ground and stop drawing lines in the sand We are a common people, living in a common life There are ties that bind us all when we look beyond the lines Common people, you and I
I see a brother o the other side Of my crusade, my holy fight I think I know where I went wrong When I gave up love to be proved right
I saw a man die on a cross He forgot the mistakes I made He died for me the way I was and He wants me to love the same
Can t we tear the fences down Can t we rip the labels off Can we share the common ground Instead of judging what is not Can t we love instead of hate Can t we trust instead of fear Can we stop fighting for a moment And feel our common tears Is it us against them, wrong against right, black against white, my kind your kind There comes a time to put the argument down and have a party on the common ground song lyrics