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Dont Believe A Word lyrics

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Don t Believe A Word lyrics

(Music: Steer)
(Lyrics: Walker)
You should never take too literally what you read
Misinformation, distortion, make belief
Fabrications, half truths implied
Misquotations, out of context and lies
"I promise to tell the truth
The whole truth and nothing but..."
Lies - you believe them all
Lies - you swallow them whole
Lies, lies, half truths misinformation and...
Lies - you believe them all
Lies - you swallow them whole
Lies, lies, half truths misinformation and...
Fact and fantasy united as one
Real power stems from the barrel of a pen
Living memory can easily be erased
The pen is mightier than the sword
Yet with no blade
"I promise to tell the truth
The whole truth and nothing but..."
Lies - you believe them all
Lies - you swallow them whole
Lies, lies, half truths misinformation and...
Lies - you believe them all
Lies - you swallow them whole
Lies, lies, half truths misinformation and...
song lyrics

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