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I Dont Know Why lyrics

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song lyrics
I Don t Know Why lyrics

I don t know why
Why you had to leave me
And i don t know why
You said goodbye
Only if i try
Can i feel the earth beneath me
And as days go by
I come alive

The fall of your hair
The feel of your skin
And the smile on your face
As you took me in

Now i lie
And stare at the sky
Still i wonder why
I don t know why

You said that you d release me
No matter how i try
I still feel you

I watched a falling leaf
Drifting down towards me
Carried by the wind
It disappeared

I sat in disbelief
At what had become of me
And as the day grew dark
I rose to go

And as i walked along
I thought i heard you call me
Alas i was alone
So i went home

The fall of your hair
The feel of your skin
And the smile on your face
As you took me in

Now i lie
No longer cry
But still i wonder why
I don t know why
You were taken from me
I cannot forget
Or say goodbye
song lyrics

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