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I Ran Over The

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I Ran Over The Taco Bell Dog lyrics

I was drivin around in Old Mexico.
I got lost didn t know what way to go.
I was confused, It was late and I was in the fog,
I ran over the Taco Bell dog.

I felt that smoosh and I said oh Mama.
My lowrider squished that little Chihuahua.
I pray for forgiveness and I sin to my god.
I ran over the Taco Bell dog.

If I am caught they will lock me in a cell with 20 locks.
Unless I can pin it on Jack in The Box.
I ll be wipped then beaten and then I will be flogged.
I ran over the Taco Bell dog.

His last words were yakey aro el medico.
I flattened that pup, to hell I will go.
I should have not gone driving and went for a jog.
I ran over the Taco Bell dog.
I ran over the Taco Bell dog.
I ran over the Taco Bell dog.
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