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Im Worthy lyrics

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song lyrics
I m Worthy lyrics

Look at what you have to do
To get him to notice you
He don t deserve you
Baby girl, yes, I m worthy
I feel for you, feel for you

You must be sick and tired of him
Putting everyone before you
Never mind the fact you lied
When you told him you were pregnant
And it wasn t true

And really hate to mention
Just to get some attention
You called him on his job
And had him come home early from work
To take you to the doctor s or emergency room
But you know and I know (but he never knew)
There was nothing wrong with you

[Hook x2]

Now I m alright with us being friends
But the fact the best man didn t win
Ain t cool, ain t cool
(You re having) so many thoughts of you being free
Baby girl, should have just been you and me
Ain t cool

Girl, I know that it gets hard
You fell in love and dropped your guard
Baby, that was definitely the wrong move
Why would you go and trust someone
Just using you for some fun
Girl he don t know your value like I do

[Hook x2]

Would you be my lady
Would you be mine
He s not the one for you
He don t deserve you

As the guitar plays for me
Would you be my lady
As the guitar sways in his hand
I wanna be your man
song lyrics

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