song lyrics Destruction & Hate lyrics Destruction and hate in the world today I wanna see blood on your face People tell you this and people teel you that Can t you see That they re all full of crap
When you go to school Or when you go to work There s always soembody To tell you what to do When you are at home Your parents Pick on you Dont you think it s time to leave And make it on your own Think for Yourself!
Destruction and Hate in the world today I fucking love this hate When you see the news there is always hate Why should I care when no one gives a damn
When I go to school and when I go to work Always see somebodygetting mugged out on the streets all alone I feel full of anger of my own
Destruction and Hate in this world today I love this anger in my head When I go to school When I go to work Always getting beaten Because I m a punk
Punk, Punk, Punk, Punk Say it one more time you Scums Fuck you cunt Fucking Hate! song lyrics