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As If We Never

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song lyrics
As If We Never Met lyrics

(Jud Friedman)

The world going by my window doesn t mean nothing to me,
why do I feel the way I do, why am I still so lost in you,
I wonder.

Watching you sleep each morning, brushing the hair from your eyes,
why do we give ourselves away, till only emptiness remains ?

Was there a reason you came and changed my life ?
cause it won t change back,
I m trying to forget, but I can t act as if we never met.

Oh, the world going by my window doesn t mean nothing to me,
Why do I feel the way I do, darlin I m still so lost in you.

Was there a reason you came and changed my life ?
cause it won t change back,
I m trying to forget, but I can t act as if we never met.
song lyrics

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