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Dark Reflections lyrics

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Dark Reflections lyrics

A black star fell down the night I was born
a last chance to save us, a last chance to turn dusk to dawn
The vultures they cried out their welcome to greet my arrival
the shadows they danced for my deathat the nightmares trial
The demons of fear tearing my sad soul apart
a horned winged creative laughed out its scorn to the dawn
The sun wasn t able to send down its light, swallowed by thoughts in my
Dark was my conscience, I was the last of my kind
Chorus: I was dead
     awake in hell
     A lonely corpse
     to break the spell
     A soul in flames
     a heart in chains
     Can t you see
     You must believe ...
The witchbrew was drained, I couldn t escape my fate
wrong was this place full with awful disgrace and hate
Sweet ancient memories, fragments of times that have passed
came to my mind like a blessing with grace for my eyes
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