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Close Your Eyes lyrics

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song lyrics
Close Your Eyes lyrics

Close your eyes
While the summer clouds release their silver load
And the evening rain makes patterns on the road
The world is clean
And evergreen
Close your eyes
Close your eyes
Let the moonlight lay his hands upon your head
And the silence hold you like a feather bed
And let the day
Just melt away
Close your eyes
Broken dreams that drift away like bubbles in the sky
Let them go, we ll build a dream together
You and I Tomorrow
Close your eyes
Let the sounds of nature lullaby your mind
In the pools of twilight leave the world behind
And come with me
To ecstasy
Close Your Eyes
Broken dreams that drift away like bubbles in the sky
Let them go, we ll build a dream together
You and I Tomorrow
Close your eyes
Let the moonlight lay his hands upon your head
And the silence hold you like a feather bed
And let the day
Just melt away
Close your eyes
Close Your Eyes
song lyrics

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