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Chasin Girls lyrics

I ve been chasin girls
I ve been drinkin beer
I ve been getting stoned right here
I ve been hangin out
I ve been livin large
I just wanna know who s in charge

Well this society is pretty sad when any half-ass
jock can make a million bucks even though all his brains are in his
cock and balls go hand in gun like Kurt Cobain and disenfranchised youth
If I could crash that party I could make a million bucks too

I ve been chasin girls
I ve been drinkin beer
I ve been getting stoned all year
I ve been livin large
I ve been hangin out
I ve been learning how to pout

Well the economy is pretty good when any half-drunk
lass can buy a four-wheel drive with power heated seats for her fat
ass and hole go hand in pocket like Alanis Morrisette and female angst
If I could tap her market I could buy a four-wheel drive too

I ve been chasin girls
I ve been drinkin beer
I ve been getting stoned all year
I ve been hangin out
I ve been livin large
I just wanna know
Who s the idiot in charge here
song lyrics

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