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Some Wirds In A

Some Wirds In A mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Some Wirds In A Row lyrics

Seen that, fucked this
England s got the winning miss
Been here, am there
Cheating ain t fuckin fair
Drank this, eat that
Beer makes your belly fat

This song doesn t make sense
But it s imapct is immense
Just some words in a row
It s all part of the show

Sucked her, screwed her
Eventually I sued her
Who knows, who cares
Twins always come in pairs
Nightmares, wet dreams
I guess it s not what it seems

This song doesn t make sense
But it s impact is immense
Just some words in a row
It s all part of the show

Take more, get less
In Holland a bottle is a fles
Two hands, two feet
Animals supply us of meat
Seven days, one week
It s time to let the guitar speak

This song doesn t make sense
But it s impact is immense
Just some words in a row
Why don t we just end this asskicking,
buttwiping, muthafucking show
song lyrics

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