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That s What I

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song lyrics
That s What I Get For Loving You lyrics
A heart that s filled with tears the weeks all pass like years
As I search my heart to find what s best to do
Reminisce and just to-be s haunted by old memories
Darling that s what I get for loving you
There s no future just the past of love too good and real to last
And now I pay the price sinful it s true
I believe in what you said trusted in your love where it led
Darling that s what I get for loving you
[ fiddle - steel ]
My hopes in life are gone since you ve made up our love go wrong
You ve ruined the sweetest part of life I knew
My heart is filled with pain everytime I hear your name
Darling that s what I get for loving you
There s no future just the past...
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