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Close Your Eyes lyrics

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Close Your Eyes lyrics

Don t walk away
Until you hear me say
That I knew I had lost you
Don t hit the floor
Until you want no more
There s nothing left for me to lose

Close your eyes
And I will wait here for you
Til hopes are dreams and dreams are reality
Close your eyes
I will worry for you
Til pain and sorrow go away
I would walk the distance
Not speak but listen
Cause Im always missin you
But all in all you catch me when I fall

With heaven high above
And hell below
I whisper so they ll never know
There s a darkness that creeps
Inside us all
Will the angels still come to my call?

Close your eyes
And I will wait here for you
Til hopes are dreams and dreams are reality
Close your eyes
I will worry for you
Till pain and sorrow go away
I would walk the distance
Not speak but listen
Cause im always missin you
But all in all you catch me when I fall

How I see it in your eyes
Through the truth and through the lies
I promised you we d make it through
I promised you there s more for you

So close you eyes
And I will wait here for you
Til hopes are dreams and dreams are reality
Close you eyes
I will worry for you
Til pain and sorrow go away
I would walk the distance
Not speak but listen
Cause im always missin you
But all in all you catch me when I fall
Oh yes all in all you catch me when I fall
song lyrics

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