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Mind In Cage lyrics

Mind In Cage lyrics mp3 songs

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song lyrics
Mind In Cage lyrics
The vulgar eyes of a mindless Crime
Are looking at you till the end of time
Your mind is filled with hate
You are your own slave, can t escape
When you re all alone you feel the same old pain
in your brain falls a deadly rain
You have no choice, you ve to play game with
The mothafuckin death is the only exit

To kill somebody
it s not worth the money
To kill somebody
it s not worth the trouble

Lobotomy they are not on your side
Chemical will change your mind
When they get you it means your death
Your freedom is a weapon, don t forget
It was just a minute, the pain lasts forever
The last smile of the death, you won t forget it never
deep in your souls resounds the silent scream
You ll see the dirty blood in your every dream
song lyrics

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