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In Distortion lyrics

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song lyrics
In Distortion lyrics

In pains, and sorrow
Stay life the same, tomorrow?

Depression, grows deep
I m buried, beneath

I am the world in one
Anger, suffer pain and sorrow
Expecting to reach a life beyond
Waiting paradise to come

I am the world in one
Anger, suffer pain and sorrow
Expecting to reach a life beyond
Waiting paradise to come

What do we really believe?
What is our purest emotion?
Are we happy with what we perceive?
Will it end all in chaotic distortion?

In pains, and sorrow
Stay life the same, tomorrow?

I cannot tell
I won t tell
I just don t know
I will not know

If I knew,
What would I do?
I am the world in one
Until we all are gone
song lyrics

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