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Break The Silence lyrics

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song lyrics
Break The Silence lyrics
And now I raise my voice... In defiance
To break the chains that have bound these hands
Arrest the fear inside and shed this callous coat
I ve got to know just where I stand...


I will... not walk silently through this life
I will... never yield the passion in my soul
I will not surrender what s inside, I could never!
I will... not walk silently through this life this is my promise

And so I ll seize the day because it s all I ve got
And I will question everything im taught
Emancipate my life, compel my thoughts
Embrace this world, I will not be bought so...


And I will stand, and I will break the silence

I will (2x) I will not surrender
I will (2x) I will not surrender

No! I will not walk silent
No! I will not lose hope
No! I will not surrender
No! I m gonna break the silence

This is my life and I will not give up till I die
No more fear, no more lies, I ve got to know just where I stand
Each and every day... know just where I stand
song lyrics

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