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Two Cops In Tim

Two Cops In Tim mp3 songs

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Two Cops In Tim Hortons lyrics

It s 3 AM and I m waiting
for the coffee perculating
in the kettle in the back
And there s no use getting all upset
 about who is degrading who
when there is hockey on the set
There s two cops in Tim Hortons
 and I m just another shit to them
maybe I m just a good for nothing
but did I have to hear it again?
And they got two blue and whites
parked in the back well out of sight
in the hopes that I won t see
And maybe I m getting older
a little more fat and slower
but is there any other way to be?
Not like I had better things to do,
they re just wasting my time
And now there s no use getting all upset
about whos degrading who,
When there s crullers to be had.
Honey glazed and jelly filled
Those chocolate sprinkles really fit the bill
 And won t it make those pig-boys mad?
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