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One Day Women Will

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song lyrics
One Day Women Will All Become Monsters lyrics
if I live to see you again
i ll take out my eyes
with this I have no way, and in consequence want no sight
i ve tried my hardest to forget every connection
always being the blind villain

my end meets the old curse of death

the last courtesy I give
get the horses for your mistress
there is a cliff, with sky high peaks
make your way to the very brim of it
stop it from every showing
repair the misery

give me your hand
the departure of the thief and monster is far from over
but everything is gonna be just fine
everything will be just fine

with robbers hands, cunning and false
label him a thief, bring him before us
bind fast his corky arms
filthy traitor!

hang him instantly
pluck out his eyes
rip the haunting smirk from his face
may heaven help him, but only through its plagues
for our means secure us
for our means secure us and our defects prove our worth.

give me your hand
the departure of the thief and monster is far from over
but everything is gonna be just fine
everything will be just fine
we live in fear and danger of them
there delicate cheeks will turn to rotting flesh
one day women will all become monsters
song lyrics

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