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Rogers And Hollands Feeling lyris

Rogers And Hollands Feeling lyris mp3 songs

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Roger s And Holland s Feeling lyrics

there is no trace of a healing. your falling tears ignite this selfish feeling. it keeps me warm to know you re not content. a quick reminder of our winters spent. as we consume our last moments together, a lesson learned that will haunt us forever. it took an ending for me to realize, to face these pacts and retract our growing lies. don t tell me i was a mistake and you regret every choice we made. and think of nothing every time you hear my name and if you don t bow your head and feel ashamed. when our eyes last met i knew that you were not ok, but nothing matters when your surfing on these vibes. i have these thoughts of holding hands with you another day. there is no cure, there is no cure. for the sickness that you bring, with what you bring.
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